Moving to DTLA
/話說蜜月完正式搬到洛杉磯市中心(downtown LA)一個半月了(OS:才一個半月嗎???),剛回來的前兩週因為我跟先生輪流生病所以完全無法整理跟打掃,只好忍受前房客在這裡抽了兩年的煙味...本來先生想要自己重新粉刷,但我環顧四周覺得這工程太過浩大,與其為了省錢跟牆壁搏鬥兩個禮拜把所有時間都奉獻在刷牆壁(還不知道刷得漂不漂亮),不如請專業師傅來兩天搞定。還好我們最後決定請師傅,因為粉刷整間房子很累啊,要鋪塑膠布保護傢俱還要貼膠帶確保邊緣工整,牆壁下緣重新噴漆前還要用砂紙打磨,真的是專業才有辦法兩天完成。
It's been one and a half month (only???) since we moved to downtown LA after our honeymoon. The first two weeks had been difficult because we were sick in turns... so none of us could clean it up or put things in order. The smoke odor left by the previous tenant was really bad so after we recovered he tried to repaint the walls to get rid of the odor. But I felt it's going to take forever for us to do it ourselves... So we ended up hiring professionals to take care of it. And we're so glad that we made this decision because it's A LOT of work! It only took two days for the professional painter but it might take us two weeks...
There's one thing I felt moved while watching them painting. The painter brought his 8 year-old son to work and the boy was very handy and helpful. The boy even took the screws off the wall by himself! And while the dad was mixing the paint, the son sat beside him and watched. It was beautiful.
Little by little, it's more like home.